Debris Removal: Right of Entry forms

Property owners should opt-in or out of the Debris Removal Program using this form

The first step in the coordinated debris removal effort is to complete a Right of Entry (ROE) form. Property owners in Louisville, Superior, and unincorporated Boulder County whose homes were damaged or destroyed by the Marshall Fire should complete and submit a ROE as soon as possible in order to allow debris removal program teams to work on your property. This ROE will allow the county to immediately remove imminent hazards from your property, and it will also allow the county to apply hydro-mulch to the soil that will prevent ash from being wind-blown or from draining into waterways.

Property owners choosing not to participate in the debris removal program are also asked to submit the form and designate that they are opting out so that Boulder County can accurately track all properties and ensure that cleanup and remediation efforts proceed efficiently and effectively. Completing the ROE and opting out of the coordinated debris removal effort still allows the county to assist with the removal of imminent hazards and perform hydro-mulching soil stabilization work.

The ROE form and more information on debris cleanup is available at There is also an online version that can be completed electronically.  After downloading and completing the form, please submit it by:


  • Drop off - Debris Removal Program table at the Disaster Assistance Center – 1755 South Public Road in Lafayette

  • Fax – 720-564-2227

  • Mail – Boulder County Resource Conservation, C/O Debris Team, 1901 63rd Boulder CO 80301

The sooner you complete and submit the ROE form the sooner Boulder County can begin working to clear properties in Louisville, Superior, and unincorporated Boulder County. Deadline for submitting the form is 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan 26.

Right-of-Way (ROW) cleanup efforts will begin in the next few days. Over the next two weeks, cleanup crews will be focused on clearing public rights-of-way (streets, sidewalks, trails, etc.) so larger crews have safe access to private properties. ROW work will include the removal of vehicles from public roadways. Any vehicle removed will be staged at a debris management site in Louisville (exact location to be determined) where a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) clearance process will occur. If your insurance agency needs to inspect a vehicle, please send an email to or call 303-214-3203.

After ROW clean-up is complete, a curbside collection program will ensue, picking up smoke and wind-damaged items from properties which have not been fire-damaged. We will do our best to notify you in advance of all phases of this effort so you understand where work is taking place, what is happening next, and what is complete.

Please remember that any property owner choosing to conduct structural, ash, and soil clean-up work on their own would be ineligible for the debris removal program and would also be responsible for following state and local permitting requirements, which will include closeout inspections and utility requirements. It is allowable and recommended to have your insurance company remove your vehicle from your private property and you will still be eligible to participate in the Debris Removal Program.

For more information on the debris removal program, please visit the Debris Booth at the Disaster Assistance Center at 1755 South Public Road in Lafayette or go to You can also call the debris hotline at 303-214-3203 between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. every day. 


Support for Residents Over the Weekend


Online Meetings: Demolition and rebuilding process